Caring for the elderly

Just as our loved ones looked after us, we want to look after them in their old age. There are many legal aspects to caring for the elderly including guardianship orders, intervention orders, wills, trusts  and powers of attorney.

At Hennessy Bowie, we can help arrange the legal services you will need as you or your loved ones get older. Our family lawyers have experience in putting in place the necessary arrangement so you can spend your autumn years as you wish and not worrying about the future.

We can help you write a will, set up a trust, arrange a power of attorney and apply for guardianship or intervention orders.

Guardianship orders

Guardianship orders are granted when a person becomes incapable of managing their own affairs. A guardianship allows a suitable person to manage the affairs of another in the person over whom the order is granted’s best interests. This can also be effected by a power of attorney, but these have to be in place ahead of time. If a person loses capacity to manage their own affairs without having first arranged a power of attorney then a guardianship order must be sought.

A guardianship order grants the power to manage the person’s affairs on an ongoing basis whereas an intervention order grants the power to deal with one particular issue. Guardianship orders grant two kinds of power – welfare powers and financial powers.  

If you need help in applying for a guardianship order, contact us today.

Intervention orders

Similar to guardianship orders, intervention orders grant the power to deal with another person’s affairs when they are no longer capable of doing so. Intervention orders are, by their nature, short term. They grant short-term control over particular issues rather than ongoing power to deal with another’s affairs.

Intervention orders are granted when an individual is incapable of managing their own affairs. In the absence of a guardianship order or a power of attorney, then intervention orders are the appropriate means of dealing with another’s affairs. Intervention orders last only as long as the matter to which they relate.

Living Wills

Living wills are known as ‘advance directives’ and allow you to refuse medical treatment in advance. Living wills are instructions to doctors and medics about your wishes in the event you are incapacitated and are unable to give directions. Normally these instructions relate to your wishes regarding resuscitation and being kept alive artificially.  One of the main benefits of a living will is that it can spare relatives a very difficult decision at a deeply upsetting time.

If you would like information or advice on intervention orders, guardianship orders or living wills, contact our solicitors today.

Contact our solicitors

Call Hennessy Bowie on 0141 762 4040 or click here to make an online enquiry.